We, the Young Adults of Most Holy Redeemer, invite all young adults to build a relationship with Christ and the Church through fellowship, spiritual development, and service.
We wish to see Most Holy Redeemer grow as an inclusive community in which diverse members of all ages actively participate in the life of the Church. Through this participation, we hope to promote a Church that is welcoming of all people regardless of their background or identity.
Located in the Castro, we are an inclusive group of young adults in our 20s and 30s who come together to celebrate our faith. All members of this group take an active role in building our community and we take turns leading meetings. Additionally, we seek to live out our faith by participating in the sacramental and liturgical life of our parish, serving the greater Bay Area Community, and advocating for the LGBTQ+ voice within the Catholic Church.
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20
The Young Adults of MHR foster community through a variety of activities meant to foster a sense of inclusion and outreach. A few of the community-building activities the group has participated in over the years include:
- Community outreach at Castro Street Fair in October
- Ecumenical outreach with the SF Queer Christian Fellowship
- Outreach to other Catholic parishes in the Bay Area
- Annual Christmas Party in mid-December
- Periodic festive parties during: Epiphany, Mardi Gras, SF Pride, etc.
- Bike rides and hiking in the Bay Area
If you have ideas on any future community activities that build inclusion and outreach, please don’t hesitate to email yag@mhr.org.
Spiritual Development
As he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in every aspect of your conduct.
1 Peter 1:15
MHR Young Adult Group members grow in their Catholic faith through participation in:
- Spiritual and scripture-based group meetings
- Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
- Annual Fall Retreat
- Los Angeles Religious Education Congress
- Stations of the Cross during Holy Week
- Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Get involved with spiritual development with the Young Adults! If you have an interesting idea for spiritual or faith formation, email yag@mhr.org.
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.
Matthew 25:35
The Young Adults of MHR give back to in a variety of ways to benefit our parish, the community, the environment, and our group needs. These include:
- Serving during Wednesday Night Suppers and at Glide Memorial Church
- Annual Bingo Nite fundraiser during Halloween
- Hygiene Kit building to be distributed at Wednesday Night Suppers
- Sleeping bag and blanket drive
- Distributing sandwiches during Stations of the Cross in Castro
- Palm Sunday cross folding fundraiser
- Bake sale fundraiser
- Simang Gabi and Christmas decorating
The Young Adults also participate in many other ministries around the parish, including but not limited to:
- Acolytes
- Hospitality / Greeters
- Lectors
- Eucharistic Ministers
- Music Ministry
- Worship and Liturgy Committee
- MHR AIDS Support Group
- Sunday Coffee Hour
- Environment Committee
- Finance Council
If you have ideas for ways to serve our community, feel free to send your ideas to yag@mhr.org or talk to any Young Adult Core Team member.