Stewardship Group

Charter: To develop on the part of each parishioner a sense of fairness and personal responsibility towards helping MHR meet its ministry and operational goals through the time, talents and treasure with which each has been blessed.

Members: Ideal committee would be composed of an ongoing working group of approximately six parishioners who are familiar with MHR’s ministries and operations. A financial or accounting background may be helpful.


  • General:
    • Review Archdiocesan policies, guidelines and materials
    • Coordinate and schedule MHR’s annual and ad hoc stewardship appeals for time, talent and treasure
    • Meet at least quarterly to review status and develop ongoing strategies
  • Time Stewardship:
    • Analyze current time stewardship process
    • Coordinate with parish committees and the parish staff to identify the areas of need for volunteer time
    • Assist the Community Life Committee by defining a mechanism for soliciting time volunteers
  • Talent Stewardship:
    • Analyze current talent stewardship process
    • Coordinate with parish committees whose objectives might require the need for specific talents and develop a “Talent Needs Assessment”
    • Update parishioners on the MHR’s “Talent Needs Assessment”
    • Develop a pool of known talent within MHR for immediate access when a specific talent is needed
    • Assist parish groups with securing talent where known talent exists
  • Treasure Stewardship:
    • Analyze current treasure stewardship process
    • Coordinate with the Finance Committee to develop an appreciation for MHR’s financial needs in order to tailor stewardship messages

Activities: Collecting and Distributing Time and Talent Survey.

The Stewardship Group was formed, October 2004. It was part of the parish leadership bodies formed during the Parish Assessment and Renewal Process undertaken by the parish that year.